There are multiple difficulty settings to choose from when you start a mission. (Destructible environments are fun!) Hold Your Breath to Help Steady Your Aim You will be taking out both German and Russian forces that get in your way, along with obliterating pretty much anything you want. Your task is to take out the German scientists that were responsible for creating the V2 missile before Russian forces go in, capture the scientists and use their knowledge to create their own weapons. He’s an American OSS agent who is sent to complete his mission, by any means necessary. The player takes on the role of Carl Fairburn. Here, the story is inspired by real-life events that occurred leading to the beginning of the Cold War. Usually, World War II games have you playing from the start of the war, not the end. You join the war quite close to its ending. I’ve never played so many 3rd person action games on Nintendo consoles, especially ones with slow-motion x-ray bullet kill cams! A Unique Twist on World War II Games

It’s interesting to see games like this coming to Switch. Rebellion Developments, who are an independent video game developer from England, have remastered their Sniper Elite v2 game that first appeared on the Xbox 360. Sniper Elite v2 brings the 1945 Battle of Berlin to the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and the PC.